Cat C7 Iap Valve Location


  1. Cat C7 Iap Valve Location Chart

The C7 from the factory has the crankcase breather on the side of the block, next to the cam followers. (A location inside the engine where there is a lot of splashing - This complete breather assembly was blocked off, so it no longer functions. The new engine breather is mounted on the top of the valve cover, where there is no oil splashing. Location of the injection actuation pressure control valve. SMCS Code: 1925-081. System Operation Description: Use this procedure under the following situation: Use the following information in order to troubleshoot. The system when there is an active code: 164-02 Injection Actuation Pr Sensor Erratic (15).

Cat C7 Iap Valve LocationCat C7 Iap Valve Location
Illustration 1g01243830

Components for the engine's control system

Cat c7 iap valve location

Component Location

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Cat c7 iap valve locations

Cat C7 Iap Valve Location Chart

Illustration 2g01199982

Typical component locations for C7 engines

(1) Fuel pressure sensor

(2) J500/P500 Injection actuation pressure control valve (internal to the pump)

(3) Injection actuation pressure (IAP) sensor

(4) Engine coolant temperature sensor

(5) J300/P300 Injector valve cover connector

(6) Intake manifold air temperature sensor

(7) Atmospheric pressure sensor

(8) Intake manifold (boost) pressure sensor

(9) Fuel temperature sensor

(10) Primary engine speed/timing sensor

(11) Secondary engine speed/timing sensor

(12) Engine oil pressure sensor

(13) J2/P2 ECM connector

(14) ECM

(15) J1/P1 ECM connector