Download DropboxPortableAHK - Easy-to-use, lightweight and easy-to-configure software application that allows you to make your Dropbox portable and take it anywhere you go. Apple’s servers verify the Mac model and then, assuming it’s a Mac compatible with OS X Internet Recovery, provide the roughly 5GB of installer data for download. DropboxPortableAHK provides a portable version of Dropbox application and also allows running it from a USB stick. The main features of DropboxPortableAHK are as follows: It makes Dropbox fully portable, therefore, you do not have to install it on every PC you use, just copy the entire directory and start the application. The account is now listed in the main interface. Double-click on it to view your files and folders stored on the service. To download something, right-click on the item and choose download, and to upload, click on the upload button and select file(s) or folder(s) on the computer. The portable version is just the interpreter. Download the zip. Or, right on the download page: Note: The installer also includes an 'extract to' function to extract all files without installing. This can be accessed from the installer GUI or on the command line. Choose whichever exe you want to run your script.
DropboxPortableAHK provides a portable version of Dropbox application and also allows running it from a USB stick. The main features of DropboxPortableAHK are as follows:
- It makes Dropbox fully portable, therefore, you do not have to install it on every PC you use, just copy the entire directory and start the application
- You can put your Dropbox on your USB-Stick and have it with you all the time
- You can select which folders should be synchronized to your folder (Selective Sync)
- You can maintain multiple Dropbox accounts on the same computer/user account
- You can use your Dropbox everywhere, also without administrator privileges
- If a new version is released, the old version will pop up a notification window asking you whether you want to update it or not.
Special features
- SyncAndGo feature lets Dropbox sync all files and close it afterwards
- User Applications – You can run applications before and after the execution of Dropbox
- Connection Profiles allows setting up different connection settings
To get started, launch DropboxPortableAHK and select a folder to save your Dropbox folder. You can also selected a previous Dropbox folder, or a USB.

Download Dropbox Portable Ahk For Mac Os
When you start the configurations from scratch, you can login with an existing Dropbox account. This procedure can be used to configure multiple Dropbox accounts.
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Once configurations are complete, a message will inform you that your DropboxPortableAHK account was successfully set.
This will keep all your Dropbox accounts in Sync with all connected computers. on your selected destination folder. It must be noted that DropboxPortableAHK does require an existing Dropbox installation. If you are using the existing Dropbox configurations, you can run the portable form of AHK, either way you can work with data from multiple Dropbox accounts.
DropboxPortableAHK works on
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
Download DropboxPortableAHK