Danny Mann is a voice actor known for voicing Thanatos, Ferdinand, and Hewdraw. Take a visual walk through his career and see 136 images of the characters he's voiced and listen to 7 clips that showcase his performances. Most of the time the games were only loosely based on the events of the film, but still, they got pretty popular. We're going to be checking out Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, one of these titles based on the movie of the same name. Sid, Manny, and Diego are in big troubles when their habitat starts to meltdown.
Walkthrough Main menu After the animated game title screen, the main menu appears. New Game: Select this option to start a new game from the beginning. The game will prompt to select a save slot before initiating the opening sequence. Load Game. Select this option to restore a previously saved game. The game will start from the last level checkpoint you passed. If you have no previously saved games, the Load Game option is not available. Options: set the display, sound, and control options of the game. See details below. Bonus Features: Each time Scrat collects 1,000 points worth of nuts in a particular world, one of six bonus features is unlocked. This applies to the worlds of Waterpark, Forest, Maelstrom (only 200 points required), Mud Bog, Sloth Village, and Glacier. The bonus features are interviews with Chris Wedge (voice of Scrat), Ray Romano (voice of Manny), Denis Leary (voice of Diego), John Leguizamo (voice of Sid), Alan Todyk (voice of Fructose Bear) and Josh Peck (voice of Eddie). HarperCollins, which is unlocked from the beginning, is an ad for the selection of Ice Age 2 HarperCollins Children's books. Credits: Displays the game credits. These are also automatically shown upon completion of the game. Quit to Desktop: exit the game and select 'Yes' to confirm. Options Select the Options in the main menu to access the options menu. Display Options: select this option to enable or disable WideScreen, FullScreen, Effects, Shadows, and Subtitles. You can also set the Video Mode (resolution) and Particle Detail. Sound Options: Here you can set the volume of the game sound and music. Control Options: Select this option to enable or disable GamePad Vibration, to invert to X and/or Y axis of the Camera and Aiming Camera, to set the controller type and to configure the selected controller. Default Settings: Select this options to reset all options to their default settings. Pause menu While playing the game, press 'Escape' to bring up the pause menu. Continue: Select this to continue playing the game where you left off. Hints: if there is currently no specific objective, selecting this will display general hints, such as 'Collect petals to regain your health'. If there currently is a specific objective then it will provide a hint on that. Save: Select one of the three available slots to store your current progress. If a used slot is selected, confirm to overwrite the previously saved game. Note that it stores progress to the last checkpoint, not the progress you made after that, so it would be best to save right after entering a new game level or triggerig a mid-level checkpoint. See the walkthrough section on where the mid-level checkpoints are located. Options: Same as selecting the options from the main menu. See details above. Quit Game: Return to the game's main menu. It will prompt you to confirm. Note: sadly the pause menu does not have a 'Load Game' function, so if you would like to load a game, you'll have to 'Quit Game' in the pause menu and then load a game from the main menu. Game controls
ACTION | IBM PC | PS2 | XBOX | Wii | GameCube |
Move Forward | W | Left analog stick | Control stick | Move Backward | S | Left analog stick | Control stick | Move Left | A | Left analog stick | Control stick | Move Right | D | Left analog stick | Control stick | Throw | Left MB | Circle | X | Attack | E | Square | B | Jump/swim forward | Space bar | X | A | Action / talk / dive | Right MB | Triangle | Y | Sniff | Left Shift | L1 | Z | Aim | TAB | R1 | R (hold) | Special attack | L | R2 | L | Camera Up | Mouse up | Right analog stick | C stick | Camera Down | Mouse down | Right analog stick | C stick | Camera Left | Mouse left | Right analog stick | C stick | Camera Right | Mouse right | Right analog stick | C stick | Camera Align | Home | R (tap) |
Not so long ago, pretty much every time Disney or any other big movie studio released a new animated movie you would expect a game to release at the same time.
Most of the time the games were only loosely based on the events of the film, but still, they got pretty popular. We're going to be checking out Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, one of these titles based on the movie of the same name.

About the game
Sid, Manny, and Diego are in big troubles when their habitat starts to meltdown. Now they must go through many different levels and face new threats to survive, working together as a team. You control these three main characters through the levels, switching between each other.
Each character has a special set of abilities and minigames available to that character alone. It's interesting to note that, even though it's not a main character in the movies, Scrap gets a lot of screen time here. You'll spend a lot of time playing as the squirrel we all know and love.
It's also great that the original voice actors from the movies are present to replay their roles as the characters in the game. This helps in making the game feel more like the movie. Even then, the game doesn't really spoil the whole movie, as you'll just get fragments of the storyline, but not the whole deal.
Compared to other movie games
Ice Age The Meltdown Game Macro
These games made just to ride the wave of the movie tend to be a complete disaster. Take Shrek The Videogame, for instance, horrible visuals and a complete mess of gameplay. Although back in the day this wasn't always the case, like Lion King or Aladdin games. And luckily for Ice Age 2: Meltdown, this ends one ends up being more on the good side of that list.
When you compare this title with most modern movie-based games, it doesn't end up too bad. Even though it's pretty simple and soft, the game is not completely terrible. The visuals are nice, and the voice actors deliver a nice performance.

The game lacks imagination, it's way too easy and you can finish it in just a few hours. It wouldn't be hard to finish this game and watch the movie at the same time. But it's good enough to be playable, and that's excellent for this category of games. You can actually get to enjoy it.
Ice Age The Meltdown Game Mac Download
Graphics and Visuals: Believe it or not, it doesn't look half bad. The mix of cinematic and even clips of the real film is made nicely. The character models look great and the scenarios are detailed.
Gameplay: Games like this demand simple and easy gameplay, and that's exactly what you get. A basic platformer with minigames included, and some puzzles.
Sound: The game relies a lot on the movie's original soundtrack, but that may be a good thing. The original soundtrack is similar to that of the movie anyway.