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Urdu Phonetic Keyboard

INTRO: Urduayub Urdu phonetic keyboard compiled for Urdu language input convenience of native Urdu language keyboard users for their personal needs. This Urdu keyboard is phonetically identical to QWERTY layout, so you may learn & memorize with natural ease within a few weeks, however some new characters were also installed for your convenience.

Urdu Phonetic Keyboard - unshift view
INSTALLATION: Please follow installation steps carefully. Download, unzip & open Urduayub folder, double click setup.exe and follow on-screen prompts to complete installation. In WinXP you need to instal Urdu language support using your WinXP CD, if not installed already(No need in Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 10). From control panel, open regional language options, click languages tab & in 'Supplemental language support', click on 'Install complex script...right-to-left languages' check box, which will prompt you to install Arabic etc support. By clicking 'OK' in both boxes, you may be prompted to load WinXP CD to install desired language support, depending whether additional languages installed. In either case, follow on-screen prompts to complete installation process or the otherwise, which may finally lead you to restart computer (during undesired Urdu file copying dialog, close WinXP install welcome screen, incase appeared). Back in 'Regional language options', select 'Languages' tab, click on 'Details' button, which will open 'Text service & input language' box, where clicking 'Add' button will further open 'Add input language' box, inwhich click 'Input language' dropdown, select Urdu as language and then click 'Keyboard layout' checkbox & from this dropdown, select 'Urduayub' as your additional keyboard layout & click 'OK' to close this dialog. As you close it, you will notice addition of 'Urdu' as new language & 'Urduayub' as new keyboard (you can always remove it by selecting Urduayub & clicking 'Remove' button, the sameway as you added). Now as you click 'OK' to close this box, the 'Languagebar' icon should appear on desktop, which you may like to right click to simplify & minimize to taskbar below for your convenience, if not done already. Incase an icon wouldn't appear anywhere on desktop, right click taskbar on your desktop, select 'toolbar options' and click 'language bar' to make it appear on taskbar.
Urdu Phonetic Keyboard - shift view
TEST: To test this Urdu phonetic keyboard layout, open notepad and in taskbar located on desktop bottom, select 'UR' from the languagebar and now back in notepad, start typing on phonetic pattern of the English QWERTY layout. Phonetic Urdu pattern is memorized swiftly as you practise. Incase of notepad, while you save, select character encoding as unicode instead of ANSI in order to keep non-ANSI encoding info preserved. This is not necessary incases of Word, Wordpad etc.
You may further customize in regional language options, where you may like to keep ENGLISH as default input for overall convenience, as preferred. If you don't like Urdu numeric input from upper numeric keys, simply use side numeric keypad (rightside) for English numerics instead.
FONT: If you dont have an Urdu Nastaleeq font installed, a better alternative would be 'Tahoma' font, that supports Arabic script and have a better look than other subarabic bundled fonts of Windows®. For this purpose, while in a document or a program window, select Tohoma from related menu, say notepad or word etc and try. This demo display font however is Nastaleeq, but incase of accessiblity issue, you will see Tahoma instead.
PREINSTAL DEMO: Below is a virtual demo to elaborate Urdu phonetic keyboard pre-instal look. This virtual litepad is the close pretence of a real layout installed as a system utility, where you can type Urdu script characters directly from your existing keyboard layout regardless of installed script & then copy-paste elsewhere you like. Win XP users may need to have Urdu script installed using their XPcd (no need in Vista or Win 7). Since this textpad is a virtual map for demo purpose only, some characters may be inaccessible or incompatible, depending on your existing layout, but it won't be so in actual instal as a system utility. This litepad is best displayed in IE trident layouts and incompatible with Gecko & WebKit.
Urdu Litepad
Best displayed in Internet Explorer
UNINSTALLATION: To remove 'Urduayub' keyboard, open 'Add/Remove programs' from control panel & select 'Urduayub' to remove. Removal can also be performed from 'Urduayub' folder by repeating installation steps & following on-screen prompts.
LIMITATION: This product compiled using microsoft® sources for Urdu language input convenience of native Urdu language phonetic keyboard users for their personal needs that limit users accept personal/non commercial usage only. Some semi-urdu characters installed for rare use, which may likely be updated by compiler, as necessary.
DISCLAIMER: Although the application installs normally, compiler assumes user subject to sufficient knowledge of installation/configuration, hence not liable for unfavourable consequences.
On Screen Urdu Keyboard Free Download
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